For people like myself, who grew up between Generation Y and Millennials, we were exposed to both an analog and digital world. Although primarily designed for business meetings and conference rooms, over the years it has found acceptance in many churches for one main reason: It’s what everyone started on. PowerPoint is a very good general-purpose presentation tool that has been developed by the proverbial ‘800-pound gorilla’ -Microsoft. There is one, however, that isn’t even designed for the church, yet is still the most widely used presentation software in worship services: PowerPoint.

Others are very complex and can offer a lot of customization-at the expense of usability. Some are very simple and can do a few things well. However, not all church presentation software is the same. Whether it’s moving from hymnals to placing song lyrics on a screen, or from telling a story that kicks off the message to showing a film clip instead, churches all over the world are introducing modern media into their presentations. Whether you’ve been using overhead projectors with transparencies or you’ve invested in the latest video wall or curved screen, the premise is still the same- enhance your worship service and message with visual tools. Church presentations haven’t changed much over the years.